Christian Study Tours offers education, inspiration, and fellowship beyond the typical sightseeing trip. Dr. House's in-depth knowledge of theology and the lands themselves give you unique and unforgettable insights into the significance of biblical sites across Israel, Jordan, Turkey, and the Mediterranean. After a trip with Christian Study Tours, our hope is that the Bible will come alive as you read and that your relationship with God will continue to deepen.

Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Join us as we visit the sites of the seven churches addressed by Christ in Revelation as well as the city of Istanbul (Constantinople). We will visit a center of the early church and the largest city in the Roman Empire during the apostolic period. Click here for details.

Greece and Italy
Some of the first churches planted by the apostles are in Greece and Italy. We will visit these important sites including Corinth, Thessalonica, Athens, and Rome. Discover what life must have been like for the first Christians in the world of the Roman empire. Click here to register.